Internet Of Things Challenges

Around the world, city, state and federal governments, as well as other public-sector organizations, are leading the way in bringing the Internet of Everything to life. According to one of the company that is leading the charge, there are many examples of how the Internet of Everything is improving the lives of citizens everywhere. Being able to get information quickly which in some cases could be critical to saving lives is really important. Security for the billions of devices coming online MUST be at the top of mind. This is the exciting part of IoE. Hand held devices will exploded in the coming years. Live video and archived streaming to these devices will triple what we have today. Large and small ISP's are running fiber optics to the home in anticipation of bandwidth explosion to support these devices. With Cloud storage at the forefront of Iot, it is both exciting times and cautions times. Security mitigation and Cloud services are front and center of every companies that are seeking to jump into this new technology.
To wrap your mind around what the IoT is all about. Think of your car sending diagnostic messages back to the manufacture. Think of all electronic devices in your home having some type of connections to the internet. The new process for collecting and analyzing these devices is called big data. So anything that can be connected may become IoT.
Think of video streaming on steroids…if you haven’t been paying attention lots of online companies are getting into video storage or video streaming.
Another catch phrase that you will hear is cloud computing. Small servers can hold terabytes of data that used to be handle by huge main frame servers. In some cases these same servers have been broken into CPU and storages connected by fiber channels with Gigabit interfaces.
But with every good thing, there are concerns. The internet today has now given access to all types of people with good and bad intentions. We now have all types of hackers; people spreading propaganda based on beliefs and others things that I dare not mention.
So even though the internet is and has been a great invention and is now getting ready to triple connected devices in our homes. It will bring mixtures of bad and good. The car, the home and all connected devices MUST be protected like never before. The consumers should be educated on all the downsides to free access to our homes and devices without restrictions. So unless security is at the top of our minds as we put IoE together we will leave ourselves open to all types attacks from all around the world.
There are some major concerns that I believe MUST be address. They are as follow:
How will we update the firmware on most of the connected devices in the home?
How will we prevent the bad guys from using connected devices in the homes as bots?
What happen if connected devices go offline for an extended amount of time and they miss critical firmware updates?
Will these devices be backward compatible?
It wasn't long ago when someone hacked a device in my so-called smart home thru a port I was using to monitor my security DVR.
In my opinion companies that are developing IoT should move away from using open ports to communicate and instead use secure connections to pull data from devices in businesses and homes that they will use as big data for IoT.
Companies must develop a robust security system around cloud and infrastructure to combat and stop the bad guys before they figure out to use our home devices as bots.
Consumers should be aware of the dangers of connected devices if proper security in not in place as we enter into a new world of connected devices in the home.
Security should always be front and center with anything we do online.
We have heard in the past year of many breaches into many US companies and government agencies. Most of the breaches happened to companies and organizations with 100 times better security than what you would find in a home. There may be little to no firewall that can filter web traffic in the home.
The consumers MUST be protected before big companies sell them products they have little to no understanding of and expose them to risks that may steal their live savings.
It’s coming, are you ready?

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Are you ready for the good and the bad of Internet Of Things (IoT)?
One of the terms out there that is getting more and more visibility is the "Internet of Things" or IoT. Most people may never heard of this term before, but it is one that is fast approaching. Like every that is new, there are good and bad to this new "thing". What is the Internet of Things anyway? This refers to the interconnections between all manners of devices with an addressable interface that can communicate online.

The Internet Of Things (IoT) The Millennium Technologies That Will Change The Way We Do Business On The Internet


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